Hesitate in 'Nowness': Where to, Stranger?
Background Music-Dance of Youth (青春舞曲)
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Sing, and Sing for People and Places Far Away
When writing an introduction for this audio creation, I recalled the text that appeared by the end of ‘Summer Palace,’ a film directed by Lou Ye.
“Whether there is freedom and love or not, in death, everyone is equal. I hope that death is not your end.”
I kept losing and discovering throughout the three years of Covid-19 and my three years of University life in Ottawa as well. Losing some of my happiness as a teenager with homesickness, discovering my calmness when going through all tough moments. Yet, after all, I feel that sound is far away from me but still calling every bit inside me.
It is approaching the end of my bachelor, but I still don’t know what’s next for me.
Covid has split my life into two halves. Half of me urges that familiarity of the past, and another half hesitates in going forward to the unknown. So all I could do right now is memorize everything happening and struggle.
Death is never our end as long as we remember and live at the moment.